
Thursday, August 7, 2014


My legs are so sore it was hard to get out of bed. Which made me realize that working out 4 to 5 days a week doing T-25 or P90x3 is great and all but isn't a substitute for plain old walking or jogging. After a 2 days of walking all over Boston and climbing the 295 steps up the Bunker Hill monument and then back down, my legs are sore and I am worn out. I am going to have to add walking or running to my weekly workout routine.

On a side note, Boston's public library, down in the area of Boston Commons, is an amazing building. Cole even said that if he lived near a library like the one in Boston,  he would hang out there all the time and just read because the building is so cool.

Today's agenda, Battleship Cove.

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